The other half that made Italian Atelier

Italian Atelier from the beginning was the work of two. From an intangible idea, Italian Atelier became a promising company whose work and services stood out from others thanks to Gianfranco Bianchi’s meticulousness and Dino Bianchi’s creativity, as well as their courage and determination. While Dino Bianchi’s journey with Italian Atelier unfortunately has ended, his contributions to the company shall never be forgotten and his legacy forever remains.

To describe Dino Bianchi, a look-a-like, shorter, younger version and an important and irreplaceable partner are words from Gianfranco for his beloved brother.
Brothers as well as close companions, Dino Bianchi spent his life growing up and working with Gianfranco Bianchi at the family factories that nurtured a tradition of crafting furniture. After leaving the family business, the shared value and passion for high-class furnishings and luxury lifestyle and the inseparable bond that made them ideal business partners, guided them to slowly establish Italian Atelier as it is known today. As shared by Gianfranco Bianchi, Dino’s exact words when they both wanted to open a company on their own were: “I’ll follow you, whatever you decide.”
In contribution to Italian Atelier’s foundation, Dino Bianchi induced his support for Gianfranco in leading their business idea and suggesting our company’s commercial approaches nowadays, rather than a traditional with factories and production. Not only a co-founder, Dino Bianchi is also a creator that initially defined Italian Atelier’s innovative positioning as a pioneer in professional luxury furniture and lifestyle agency. Dino was also an out-going person who had already developed a great relationship with a few prestigious names like Lamborghini, Mercedes Benz, and Aston Martin. The brothers started their journey promoting these brands in China and South Korea.
In work, Dino Bianchi’s distinguished working styles had contributed to the success of the Italian Atelier, previously known as Bianchi & Co. Compared to Gianfranco’s prudent and meticulous planning, Dino owned distinctive characteristics with his spontaneous and creative processing with sales and the brands, which enabled him to understand the clients’ needs and easily win them over. Therefore, Dino was mainly in charge of the creative part while Gianfranco handled the technical aspects of our company. Different approaches with signature advantages from Dino and Gianfranco made them complementary in works. After years of collaboration and understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, they stated their working philosophy as “either you have to be creative or you have to work hard to achieve goals”.
The milestone of re-branding from Bianchi & Co. to Italian Atelier marked their tough time when their family business was closed due to the current market situation. “Italian” strongly stated Bianchi brothers’ origin as Italian; while “Atelier”, a French word that indicates the artist’s painting place and also means a special boutique to design a customized piece for your customers. Consequently, Italian Atelier embraces Dino and Gianfrco’s vision to be an exclusive place to connect the most recognized European luxury furniture brands to their consumers from across the globe.

When asked about what Gianfranco loved the most about working with his brother, he told us that Dino was very positive. He made things look easy and he kept things light. He believed that when the results were not yet visible, it is crucial to be your own supporter as well as other people’s. In the beginning, when Italian Atelier had yet to develop a reputation in the luxury furniture industry, they were rejected by lots of brands. They invested a lot into the company and there was a little turnover. They were traveling constantly, meeting new clients and building rapport with local people. Throughout that challenging time, Dino always took it lightly, which is something Gianfranco admires and has learned from him.

Unfortunately, Dino Bianchi rested in peace and love on 21st February 2014, leaving behind a great legacy as well as his ideas and innovations for the Italian Atelier as our eternal heritage to nourish and grow further.
In memory of Dino Bianchi.